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#13 – Wade Crowfoot, Secretary, California Natural Resources Agency

July 25, 2023

California’s water supply is being tested by volatile weather patterns, including droughts and extreme rainfall. To prepare for a future with less snow and more dry spells, the state must diversify its water sources, modernize its water infrastructure, and improve watershed collaboration.   


The stakes are high.


Experts say we could lose 10% of our water supply in the next 20 years due to climate change.


Preparing for this challenge is a mammoth responsibility, confronting state and water leaders, like those at California’s Natural Resources Agency. We’re with the trailblazer in charge of this agency today: Wade Crowfoot.


As Secretary of Natural Resources, Crowfoot advises the Governor on environmental and natural resource issues, making him a key player in securing our state’s future. He is a public policy and environmental expert with over twenty years of experience in water, fisheries, climate, and sustainability issues.


Prior to joining the Governor’s cabinet, he headed up the Water Foundation, playing a key role in creating partnerships that included leaders in agriculture and environmental conservation groups. The results? Shared water solutions that benefit communities, the economy, and the environment across the American West.


Let’s learn more about the issue and opportunities facing California water now and the man given the responsibility for charge for meeting those challenges.


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You might also enjoy our episode with Karla Nemeth, director of California Department of Water Resources and E. Joaquin Esquivel, the chair of the State Water Resources Control Board where they talk more about the state’s water supply strategy and issues.

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