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Blog: Help us Fix Delta Conveyance

February 27, 2020

The new roaring twenties are in full swing and efforts to modernize the state’s water system relied upon by 27 million Californians are gaining momentum! Upgrading, improving and modernizing the State Water Project’s water delivery system through the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is vital. This Delta Conveyance project, formerly known as CalWaterFix, is the backbone of our water supply yet it has a weak link in its old, manmade dirt levee infrastructure that is vulnerable to earthquakes and sea level rise.

Today, you can help move this project forward by demonstrating your support now that the state has initiated the environmental review process for the project.

While this is a great step forward, we strongly encourage everyone to show their support for the project to the California Department of Water Resources. As the environmental review process for the modernization of the state’s water infrastructure begins, it is pivotal to keep the project on track by making our voices heard with support and expectancy. Your next opportunity is to provide written comments on the Notice to Proceed to or by mail to the Department of Water Resources, P.O. Box 942836, Sacramento, CA, 94236 by March 20, 2020. If you need help with talking points or sample letters, just email me and we’ll send along informative materials.

SCWC has been active this month and last in showing our support. Here’s how:

  • Our comments on Governor Newsom’s Water Resilience Portfolio emphasized making the Delta Conveyance the number one priority for building a resilient water supply, encouraged collaboration in allowing local agencies to plan and adapt, and called to recognition that innovative local and regional supply projects still depend on imported supplies. We felt a strong duty to address these matters as well as to offer our organization for further collaboration and discussion in regards to the Water Resilience Portfolio.
  • We also demonstrated our support for Delta Conveyance in person, when I attended the Los Angeles-area Notice to Proceed scoping meeting on February 5th. (This scoping meeting is an early step in the environmental review process.) Among the commenters were coalition members Los Angeles County Business Federation, Calleguas Municipal Water District, Inland Action, Southern California Partnership for Jobs, Building Industry Association of Southern California, Inland Empire Economic Partnership, Municipal Water District of Orange County, and the Inland Empire Utilities Agency.

We thank our coalition of supporters for helping us advance this key process to improve the future of California’s water infrastructure.

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