Proposed Bill Would Undermine Needed Water Security Project
Southern California Water Committee Opposes AB 1713
SCWC recently announced that the organization joined a growing coalition of organizations in opposition of AB 1713 (Eggman), which would subvert the historic agreement and progress of the 2009 Delta legislation to achieve the co-equal goals of providing a more reliable water supply for California and protecting, restoring, and enhancing the Delta ecosystem. The bill creates significant hurdles to advancing California WaterFix during a pivotal time. It also sets a dangerous precedent for major infrastructure investments that are critical to supporting the state’s economy.
Below is a statement from Hon. Marion Ashley, SCWC Chairman and Riverside County Supervisor, regarding the announcement:
“AB 1713 is gambling against a plan that will secure reliable water supplies and repair a deteriorating Delta responsible for supporting the state’s economy and providing water for 26 million Californians. California WaterFix is the investment we need to prepare for our water future by stabilizing our statewide water system and will go hand-in-hand with local water supply projects.”
To view the opposition letter, click here.
SCWC Co-Hosts Chromium-6 Briefing Webinar
Join SCWC for a scientific briefing on Chromium 6 (Cr6), which will be held on Tuesday, March 1 from 1:00pm-3:00pm. The webinar will focus on the latest Cr6 science and the implications of this new science on OHEHHA’s upcoming review of the five year Public Health Goal. ToxStrategies, the California Association of Mutual Water Companies and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California are co-hosting the event.
Join the event from your computer, tablet, or smartphone at:
Or dial in: +1 (224) 501-3212 Access Code: 537-304-605
If you have any questions, please contact Cindy Northcote-Smith at or (818) 760-2121.
Californians Save 1.1 Million Acre-Feet of Water, Urged to Stay Focused on Conservation
The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) reported that Californians saved 1.1 million acre-feet of water, putting the state 94 percent of the way to meeting the 1.2 million acre-feet savings goal by the end of February.
For the first time since June, California missed Governor Brown’s 25 percent conservation mandate – reporting a cumulative savings of 24.8 percent for the eight months since mandatory conservation began. Statewide, the conservation rate dropped from 18.4 percent in December 2015 to 17.1 percent in January.
Felicia Marcus, chair of the State Water Board, is urging residents to continue conserving by reducing or eliminating outdoor watering during/after a storm and keeping household water use to the essentials:
“We’re hoping for every raindrop and every snowflake we can handle. We’re hoping for a miracle March and an awesome April. But we can’t know what the next couple months will bring. And a warm and dry February has proved that we can’t count on El Niño to save us. Californians have risen to the occasion as never before. But we have to stay the course. We have to keep it up.”
To read SWRCB’s press release, click here.
State Water Project Allocation Increased to 30%
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) recently announced a boost in the amount of water they expect to be delivered this year from the State Water Project. Water agencies are now set to receive 30 percent of requested supplies – up from 15 percent allocation last month.
State officials stressed that outdated water delivery infrastructure and pumping restrictions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta affected the new allocation increase. Had California WaterFix been in place, an estimated 458,000 acre-feet of water could have been captured, enough to supply 3.4 million people for a year.
DWR also said the allocation would have been higher had it not been for a “remarkably” dry February and warns water agencies that continued dry weather could force an allocation reduction.
Below is an excerpt from DWR’s press release:
“Today’s increase, although good news, does not mean the drought is ending,” said DWR Director Mark Cowin. “After more than four dry years, we still have a critical water shortage. We need a lot more wet weather this winter to take the edge off drought. Using water carefully and sparingly is still the quickest, most effective way to stretch supplies.”
Water agencies that receive water from the State Water Project provide water to 26 million people, businesses, and farms throughout the state.
Click here to read DWR’s press release in full.
Lawn Dude’s Conservation Column
Hello water peeps, Lawn Dude here. In my professional opinion, the real MVP of the Super Bowl is Colgate – I know it was a while ago, but I’m obsessed. As you all know, sharing advice about the drought is my #1 hobby and I’m flattered that there was an ad about water conservation during the Super Bowl. The company is encouraging Americans to “make every drop count” and save 8 gallons of water a day by turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth. Yup, all you have to do is turn off the water and you’ll help save precious water – not a lot to ask.
Check out Colgate’s Super Bowl commercial here.