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RSVP Today for SCWC’s Water Use Efficiency Workshop!

August 6, 2015
RSVP Today for SCWC’s Water Use Efficiency Workshop!
August 6, 2015

Join us at our upcoming Water Use Efficiency Workshop, which will be held at the Metropolitan Water District on August 12, 2015. The event is generously sponsored by MWD and will focus on permanent outdoor conservation strategies that are “California friendly” resulting in significant reductions in water use. 

Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

700 N. Alameda Street Los Angeles, CA 90012

9:00am – 3:00pm

Cost: FREE

*Lunch will be provided

RSVP by contacting 818.760.2121 or at


Click here to download the event flyer.


He’s Back! Lawn Dude Uses Humor to Urge Californians to Conserve Water 

SCWC and Clear Channel Outdoor (CCO) announced the return of their joint Lawn Dude water conservation digital billboard campaign. Lawn Dude, the nationally acclaimed water conservation mascot, encourages Californians to conserve by using his witty and playful voice to call attention to areas where water use runs high, such as in outdoor landscaping.

“I’m fresh off a water cleanse and have never looked better, thanks to that H2O diet Governor Brown put me on,” said Lawn Dude, SCWC’s conservation spokesperson. “I know people thought I might be all dried up, but I’m back and ready to kick some grass.”

(Insert Lawn Dude Art)

The digital billboard campaign features four new messages aimed at showcasing the state’s new mandatory drought regulations – “The Gov put me on a diet” – and motivating people to act – “Manscape your landscape.” All of the new artwork features Lawn Dude sporting a more drought-friendly style, with dry patches that have emerged as he has diligently chosen to #LayOffTheSauce.

(Insert Lawn Dude Art)

“We are in the drought of the century – not your mother’s or even your grandmother’s drought. Lawn Dude is doing a great service in getting attention on the best place to save water now in case the drought lasts beyond this year or the next,” said Felicia Marcus, chair of the California State Water Resources Control Board.

“Because of Clear Channel Outdoor’s generous donation, Lawn Dude will continue to be able to reach people to remind them to keep saving water during these hot summer months,” said Charles Wilson, chair of the SCWC Board of Trustees.

To read the full press release, click here.

Follow @Lawn_Dude on Twitter!


CA WaterFix Sample Comment Letter

The revised release of the EIR/EIS on the BDCP/California Water Fix plan is available for public review and comment. This is a critical time to express support for the project and urgency to move it forward. Join SCWC and show support for securing our precious water supplies in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay Delta by submitting a comment letter. 

Click here for a sample comment letter to customize and submit. 

Send comments to and CC Governor Brown at or to BDCP/WaterFix Comments at P.O. Box 1919, Sacramento, CA 95812. Letters of support must be received by October 30, 2015. 

For more information on the plan, visit


San Francisco Chronicle Op-Ed: A Need to Modernize State’s Water Infrastructure

The San Francisco Chronicle published an op-ed “A Need to Modernize State’s Water Infrastructure” by Mike Mielke, Senior Vice President for Environment and Energy of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group and Michael Theriault, Secretary-Treasurer of the San Francisco Building and Construction Trades Council. The authors made the case for Governor Jerry Brown’s California Water Fix to modernize our state’s water infrastructure. 

Below is an excerpt from the article: 

“After four years of extreme drought conditions across California, there are hopes that an El Niño weather pattern forming in the Pacific Ocean will bring rain this winter. Even the prospect of a wet winter should remind us that we need to update California’s water infrastructure to be able to capture, move and store water in wet years so that during future dry years we have a stable water supply.

That’s one of the many reasons the Silicon Valley Leadership Group and the San Francisco Building and Construction Trades Council have joined a coalition of citizens, labor unions, family farmers, businesses, local governments, water agencies and community groups that strongly support Gov. Jerry Brown’s plan, California Water Fix.

The plan addresses the long-term security of our state’s water supplies by delivering them through a modern water pipeline — twin tunnels running around the eastern edge of the Sacramento San Joaquin River Delta — rather than relying solely on today’s deteriorating system of moving water through aqueducts formed with dirt levees.”

Click here to read the full article.


Councilmember Kris Murray Appointed as SCWC Board Member 

(Insert headshot of Kris Murray)

SCWC welcomes City of Anaheim Councilmember Kris Murray to our Board of Trustees, following her appointment at the July 24 Board meeting. 

“I am honored to be joining SCWC’s Board of Trustees and look forward to working with my colleagues to advance sustainable solutions for long-term water supplies, storage, and conservation in Southern California and statewide,” said Councilmember Murray. 

“SCWC is pleased to welcome Councilmember Kris Murray to our Board of Trustees,” said SCWC Chairman Charles Wilson. “With her intricate knowledge of the Southern California political landscape, especially with water issues, Councilmember Murray brings a wealth of experience to the table.”

Councilmember Murray was elected to the Anaheim City Council in November 2010, and re-elected for a second consecutive four-year term in November 2014. During her tenure as a member of the Anaheim City Council, Kris has represented the city on the regional boards of the Association of California Cities – Orange County (ACC-OC), Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD), Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Executive Committee and Regional Council, Orange County Council of Governments (OCCOG), and Transportation Corridor Agencies (Toll Roads).


SCWC July Quarterly Meeting & Luncheon Recap

Thanks to all who came out to SCWC’s July Quarterly Luncheon at the Grand Long Beach Event Center hosted by the Long Beach Water Department. The event was a great success, where regional and local leaders met to discuss water efficiency and conservation efforts. 

Karla Nemeth with the California Natural Resources Agency was the keynote speaker and gave a briefing on the revised release of the EIR/EIS on the BDCP/California Water Fix plan. In her remarks, Karla stressed how California Water Fix will protect water from earthquakes, levee breaks and ensure reliable supply. Karla also emphasized that conveyance is part of the broader statewide strategy and California Water Fix complements local water projects. Lastly, Karla urged all stakeholders to weigh in on the plan, “We need Southern California to tell its water story…lend your voice.”

(Insert photo of Karla)

The event also featured a panel discussion with key businesses Coca Cola, California Resources Corporation (CRC) and the Southern California Golf Association (SCAG) on innovations in sustainability and water use efficiency. For years, businesses have been advancing water efficiency and sustainability efforts. The panelists discussed how their companies are looking at the drought and what issues and the policies they have set forth to combat it. 

PJ Newcomb, Sustainability Program Manager with Coca Cola, noted Coca Cola’s efforts to improve water efficiency in manufacturing operations and replenish the water they use back to communities. 

Craig Kessler, Director of Governmental Affairs with SCAG, discussed SCAG’s number one priority is the usage of recycled water, noting that nearly every golf course in Long Beach uses recycled water.  

Bill O’Toole, Health, Safety and Environment Manager with CRC, shared their company’s goal is to reduce portable water use 50 percent by focusing on the installation of closed recirculation systems.  

(Insert photo of panel)

Special thanks to our sponsors the Long Beach Water Department and the Water Replenishment District, whose generous contributions made this event possible. 

To find out more about SCWC events, click here. 


Southern California Edison Sponsoring 22nd Annual Water Conference

Save the date for Southern California Edison’s 22nd Annual Water Conference at the Energy Education Center in Irwindale on Wednesday, September 9 to Thursday, September 10, 2015. The event will focus on education water and waste water agencies on how to save energy, money and the environment. 

Speakers will include: Jeffrey Kightlinger, General Manager with MWD, Brandon Foshi, Manager of Water Policy & Strategy with MWD, and Armul Sathe, Associate Director with Navigant. 

To learn more about the event or to register call 626-812-7537 or visit


Established in 1984, the Southern California Water Committee is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, public education partnership dedicated to informing Southern Californians about our water needs and our state’s water resources. Spanning Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, San Bernardino, Imperial, Riverside, Ventura and Kern Counties, the SCWC’s members include representatives from business, government, labor, agriculture, water agencies and the general public.

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