Today, the California Department of Water Resources increased the allocation of State Water Supply project supply to 75% of the contracted amounts. This increase reflects the significant amount of snowpack and rainfall produced by this year’s weather and atmospheric storm patterns. (Read DWR’s release HERE.)
This is the highest allocation since 2019 when the final allocation of 75% was set in June of that year. It is also a reversal of the recent three very dry years with final allocations in 2020, 2021, and 2022 of 20%, 5% and 5%[1] respectively.
The updated 75% allocation for this year was announced based on the most updated information, but it may not be the final allocation of the year given that more weather and storms could change it in the remaining snow/rainfall-producing months.
The 75% allocation, or 3.15 million acre-feet of water will allow the SWP’s 29 contracting public water agencies to store water this year to prepare for future dry years.
“History tells us that wet years like this are critical for water agencies in managing supplies for the millions of Southern Californians who depend on them. Especially recent history, where we’ve seen such dramatic results with a more variable climate,” said Charley Wilson, executive director of the Southern California Water Coalition. “Sound water use management, storage, and a means of transporting their water efficiently when it materializes, are all important actions and strategies for the near and long-term future.”
Southern California relies on water from the State Water Project as a part of its water supply mix that includes water from the Colorado River, local sources such as groundwater, recycled water, stormwater capture, and desalination.
[1] This 5% allocation in 2022 does not include the water provided to agencies for health and safety purposes and which must be repaid by the agencies.