Statement by Charley Wilson, Executive Director, Southern California Water Coalition, on the Release of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Delta Conveyance Project: “I am thrilled to see a significant milestone in California’s journey towards...
The Southern California Water Coalition celebrates the passage and signing into law of Governor Gavin Newsom’s ambitious infrastructure permitting and project review reforms. This package of laws will help streamline the permitting process for hundreds of water...
In May, California Governor Gavin Newsom unveiled an Infrastructure Proposal that prioritizes critical projects — including water initiatives. His plan proposes expediting the environmental impact review process for Proposition 1 water storage projects, Delta...
Californians for Water Security just dropped some big news: A recent statewide poll revealed that voters from diverse regions, political backgrounds, and demographics are fully behind the Governor’s Delta Conveyance Project. Seventy-six percent (76%) of voters...
Thirteen of California’s most respected statewide and regional organizations, representing business, water, local government, labor, environmental justice interests and more stand in support of modernizing our water delivery system and securing a safe, reliable water...