Central Basin Municipal Water District has a long history of ensuring water supply is sustainable, safe and affordable.
The District provides recycled and imported water to cities and retail water agencies in southeast Los Angeles. The District’s service area is 227 square miles, encompassing 24 cities and serving nearly 2 million people.
In 1952, the District was formed by a vote of the people to mitigate the over-pumping of underground water resources in the region. In 1954, the District became a member agency of Metropolitan Water District to use imported water to curtail the use of diminishing groundwater supplies. In 2015, the District began supplying recycled water to provide regional water reliability.

Central Basin Municipal Water District’s regional recycled water program, with infrastructure shown above, delivers 4,500 to 5,500 acre-feet of recycled water each year.
“Drought conditions becoming the ‘new normal’ in addition to increasing demands for water and limitations on imported water supplies are a strong reminder of the imminent need to prioritize investments in local, sustainable water supplies,” said the District General Manager Dr. Alejandro Rojas. “The District’s commitment to expanding its recycled water programs, innovation, and focus on equity is critical to promoting a resilient water supply.”
The District has an enduring record of ensuring water demands and supplies stay balanced. The District developed a regional water recycling program that delivers 4,500 to 5,500 acre-feet of recycled water to more than 400 industrial, commercial, and landscape irrigation water connections. Over the next three to five years, the District plans to expand its recycled water use by 2,000 acre-feet to reduce the strain on drinking water supplies. The District hasn’t raised water rates in two years and will uphold the Human Right to Water to ensure that its customers have access to safe, clean, affordable water.
The District is also a proud partner of Pure Water Southern California, a new, large-scale local recycled water project that will turn wastewater into high-quality drinking water. Once completed, it will produce 150 million gallons of water daily, becoming one of the largest advanced water treatment plants in the world.
The District has been providing reliable and effective operations for 70 years and will continue to deliver high-quality water and service to its customers.
Using recycled water for irrigation, as seen in the photo below of the Los Amigos golf course, and planting drought tolerant gardens, as shown to the left, increases resilience by conserving drinking water.