California’s historic drought is far from over and it has caused a stir throughout the Golden State about what the future of our water supply will look like.
This latest issue of California Water magazine takes on this challenge, tackling the causes behind the drought while also highlighting innovative ways that residents, businesses, and water agencies are stretching water supplies through efficient use, recycling, reuse and more during these hard times.
Causes of the Drought?
The drought that has gripped California and the Western United States for the past several years has been caused by a combination of factors. Low precipitation levels are obviously a major contributing factor, but other factors such as high temperatures, increased evaporation, and changes in atmospheric conditions have also played a role. The net result is that reservoirs that California depends on are at dangerously low levels, with some even approaching dryness.
What’s Needed Next
To address the water crisis, we need to change both our individual habits and our state policies. On an individual level, we can all do our part to conserve water by making small changes in our daily lives, such as taking shorter showers, watering our plants during cooler hours of the day, and using a broom instead of a hose to clean our driveways and sidewalks. If everyone does their part, it will make a big difference. On a policy level, state leaders need to prioritize investment in infrastructure projects that will ensure the reliability of our state’s water supply. Only by working together can we hope to bring an end to this crisis.
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Charley Wilson
Executive Director
The Southern California Water Coalition, a nonprofit, nonpartisan public education partnership is dedicated to informing Southern Californians about our water needs and our state’s water resources.