The Water Quality Task Force of the Southern California Water Coalition issued its position statement on economic feasibility guidance for maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) to E. Joaquin Esquivel, chair of the State Water Resources Control Board on March 2, 2019. The position statement outlines what the work group believes to be the best approach to quantify and compare the relative economic feasibility of potential alternative MCLs.
An excerpt from the position paper reads:
“A rigorous, scientific and best practices approach to evaluation of economic feasibility for proposed MCLs that is consistent with both applicable laws and past practice will provide concrete benefits to the public, the State Water Resources Control Board and water utilities. Such an approach should ensure that available system and rate payer resources are invested in MCLs that maximize risk reduction and public health benefits. It should also provide greater water rate affordability and stability for low- and fixed-income ratepayers and greater certainty for water systems facing future compliance obligations. Finally, it should prompt more effective risk communication, which will in turn enhance public confidence in the safety of drinking water throughout the state.”
Read the cover letter to the State Water Resources Control Board
Read the position paper on economic feasibility guidance for maximum contaminant levels (MCLs)