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California WaterFix Benefits Urban, Agricultural Stakeholders

California WaterFix Benefits Urban, Agricultural Stakeholders

The California Department of Water Resources released an Economic Analysis of the California WaterFix: Benefits and Costs to Project Participants. The September 2018 report describes the value of the CA WaterFix project to both urban and agricultural contractors who...
BLOG: Water is Essential in 2018 and 2019

BLOG: Water is Essential in 2018 and 2019

We’re almost at the finish line. As many of you know, the end of the 2018 legislative cycle is Friday, the last day to pass bills before they head to the Governor’s desk. It has been a jam-packed year. Our work is never done – and it has never been more important than...
Governor Brown CA WaterFix Letter of Support

Governor Brown CA WaterFix Letter of Support

A copy of a letter from California Governor Jerry Brown to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California urging support of the California WaterFix project. The letter is dated April 8, 2018.    
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