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Watch Water Quality Webinar Video On Demand

Watch Water Quality Webinar Video On Demand

Our February 19 webinar on “Water Quality Matters” is now available for viewing! This sixth installment of our What Matters webinar series featured an expert panel discussing the presence of PFAS in U.S. drinking water, including Southern California. PFAS is a family...
Register for SCWC’s Water Quality Matters Webinar

Register for SCWC’s Water Quality Matters Webinar

PFAS is a family of chemical compounds (over 4,000) and are in most everything we use in our daily lives. These forever chemicals have been identified as an emerging contaminant and have found their way into some of our water systems. Discover what experts are...
Watch Stormwater Matters Webinar Video On Demand

Watch Stormwater Matters Webinar Video On Demand

Our August 6 webinar on “Stormwater Matters” is now available for viewing! This fifth installment of our What Matters webinar series featured an expert panel to discuss the latest in innovative stormwater capture and treatment projects. Stormwater capture is gaining...
Watch History Matters Webinar Video On Demand

Watch History Matters Webinar Video On Demand

Our June 11 webinar on “History Matters” is now available for viewing! This fourth installment of our What Matters webinar series featured a candid conversation with California water policy expert Tim Quinn. Now affiliated with Stanford University, the retired...
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