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Delta Conveyance: It’s Time for Infrastructure Investment

Delta Conveyance: It’s Time for Infrastructure Investment

By Charley Wilson, Executive Director, Southern California Water Coalition Imagine your home – the pipes are old, the roof is leaking, and the foundation is cracking. You could walk away, start from scratch, or invest in repairs and upgrades to keep your home livable...
Region-Wide Mandatory Water Conservation Possible in 2023

Region-Wide Mandatory Water Conservation Possible in 2023

You don’t need to be a fortune teller to predict what the future may hold for water availability in Southern California next year. The region’s limited imported supplies will prompt water officials to consider region-wide mandatory conservation measures should the...
#9 – A Collaborative Approach to Colorado River Management

#9 – A Collaborative Approach to Colorado River Management

The Colorado River is one of the most important rivers in the United States. It has been in the news a lot lately because of the drought and how it’s affecting people and businesses that count on it for drinking water. We’re excited to share with you this important...
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