As the state of California continues to experience drought conditions, water infrastructure investment has become a top priority for many organizations.
The Southern California Water Coalition is just one of the groups that has called on state leaders to use budget surplus funds to invest in additional water infrastructure. SCWC has joined with eleven other organizations to call for more funding for projects that will help to increase local and regional water supply development, fix aging infrastructure, improve water quality and investment in new and existing water storage projects.
The coalition has also called for investment in water recycling and reuse projects that will help to stretch our limited supplies by allowing us to use each drop of water more than once. With the right investment, these organizations hope that California can begin to address its chronic water woes.
Local and regional water resilience investments – $2.5 billion
Large-scale regional water recycling
Investments in local recycled water projects
Investments in additional local and regional water supply development and water use efficiency initiatives
State Water Project subsidence repairs – $585 million
Treatment for drinking water constituents of emerging concern – $500 million
Water storage – $1 billion
Supplemental funding for Proposition 1 surface and groundwater storage projects
Investments in dam safety projects
Investments in groundwater storage and related infrastructure
Participants include: Southern California Water Coalition, Rebuild SoCal Partnership, SCV Water, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Mojave Water Agency, Industrial Environmental Association, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, Orange County Business Journal, BizFed, Southern California Leadership Council, Engineering Contractors Association, Inland Empire Economic Partnership.